Akena Kumara

We change continuously, we become "other" every second. All that remains is only our attachment to the image we create of ourselves.

We identify by what we think we are, with an illusion. But then, when we accept this and start to free ourselves from the masks, we reach a moment when we no longer know who we are and although we have the feeling that "the ground is falling out from under our feet", that very moment is the 0 point.

We begin to find out who we are, from the moment we give up what we think about ourselves.

That scared or superior mask, sad or with a fake smile... it's not ME!

Then who am I?

You are the vessel that contains all these energies, all these realities that you have ever created and still continue to do so.

The high entity, which you are, is indifferent to the identifications, it does not pronounce for or against them, it just accepts the choices of the aspect in 3D.

You can realize that you identify with a certain aspect, when the voice in you is not impartial, when you slide into judgment, criticism, envy, anger or even the joy of pride praised for something that "did well".

When you identify with one of these beliefs, convictions, etc., you actually choose to stay stuck, in the play written by the ego. Who can take you out of this play, being your choice?

Only you, yourself!

For me, the simplest is to observe certain beliefs I have about myself, to see my convictions and the programs I run on. Every resistance I have in the natural flow shows me an energy I identify with, so I give it up.


Watching my eyes! Just like looking a person in the eye, you actually see what aspect "speaks" through him, so you can look at your own speaker and if you don't have a mirror at hand, it's easier to do an introspection.

By simple observation, from the position of the creator, that aspect emerges by itself, because it felt seen.

I give you an affirmation, which works if said from the heart: I am in the flow, I let the flow work for me! Try it and see how you feel.

We have many such experiences in life and if we do not accept them naturally, when their time comes, in our conditions, it is necessary to face those that are brought to us in the form of "dramatic changes".

So that you can enjoy the changes, consciously bring them into your life, release your attachments to what you thought you were, to the situations and people around you, and only your essence and what really supports you will remain!
